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We are very excited to share the full, completed Our Creative Future arts and cultural plan: a flexible framework to realize the community’s vision for arts, culture, and creative expression in the Portland tri-county region. An executive summary is available in 10 different languages here.   


Photo | COH_Sculpture class at the Walters

Public events

There are no upcoming Events at this time.


  • Artists and Creatives (In Person)
  • Artists and Creatives (Virtual) 
  • Arts and Cultural Organizations (In Person)
  • Arts and Cultural Organizations (Virtual) 
  • Clackamas County Community Conversation (In Person)
  • Clackamas County Community Conversation (Virtual)
  • Community Conversation (Virtual)
  • Community Research Briefing (November 28, Virtual)
  • Open Community Webinar (October 19, Virtual)
  • Washington County Business and Chambers (In Person)
  • Washington County Community Conversation (In Person)
  • Washington County Community Conversation (Virtual)
  • Washington County Community Event Organizers / Tourism Leaders (In Person)

From the winter of 2022 into late spring of 2023, the team working on Our Creative Future conducted extensive listening and research to understand different community members’ visions and priorities for our creative future. More than 700 people took part in events between February and May 2023. Additional research included a statistically valid public opinion survey; an open call community survey; an arts grantmaking review and summary; an arts funding models report; an arts demand study; and a creative economy portrait. Research results can be found here

The Steering Committee and consulting team conducted several community briefings to discuss the research findings, and collected input online and via two town halls in March-April 2024 to solicit input on a draft plan. 

The planning team incorporated changes appropriate for the regional framework plan. Many suggestions concerned specific recommendations more relevant to the localized action plans. Other comments about the draft plan emphasized the need for increased funding for artists and smaller organizations, fair pay for artists, centering under-represented voices, and addressing the need for affordable arts spaces, among others. There was also a general concern about implementing the plan, and the Implementation Team will be able to draw on this public comment.

Each of the seven local governments sponsoring this regional cultural plan framework will select 
relevant goals and strategies for their jurisdictions, and prepare an action plan to best fit their communities and governmental role (Metro; Clackamas, Washington, and Multnomah Counties; and the cities of Portland, Beaverton, and Hillsboro). Other cities, towns, communities, and individuals are invited and encouraged to use the framework as a resource.

A regional Implementation Team of local governments and others is forming to support and 
advocate for implementation of the action plans. This “coalition of the willing” will provide reporting and accountability to the community. It will also assess new opportunities and challenges for arts and culture.


Photo | Chapel Theatre Winter Performance Series 2019

By Invitation


  • Arts and Affordable Housing
  • Arts and Cultural Organizations
  • Asian and Pacific Islander Group
  • Beaverton City Councilors
  • Beaverton Diversity Advisory Board and Arts Commissioners
  • Black Community Members 
  • Clackamas County Community Conversation 
  • Contemporary Arts (2)
  • Corporate Arts Gathering
  • Creative Economy, Economic Development, Tourism and Travel 
  • East Multnomah County 
  • Film Industry and the Arts 
  • Foster Program Young Adults 
  • Foundation Funders Gathering
  • Housing Insecure Youth
  • Houseless Community Members
  • Immigrant and Refugee Artists and Leaders 
  • Indigenous Arts Community 
  • Large Arts Institutions
  • Latino Community Discussion
  • Libraries 
  • Mayors in Washington County
  • Metro Area Cultural Coalitions
  • MusicPortland 
  • Queer Artists of Color
  • Research Briefing with Elected Officials
  • Research Briefing with Funders
  • Seniors 
  • Student Artists and Creatives 
  • Teaching Artists
  • Tri-County BIPOC Community Conversation (2) 
  • Washington County Architecture/Real Estate/Development 
  • Washington County Arts and Culture Organizations
  • Washington County Culturally-Specific Organizations
  • Washington County Elected Officials/Government  
  • Washington County NAC & CPO Chairs
Photo | Grantee Immigrant Story Welcoming Week

Community Survey

Nearly 1,500 area residents provided input on our community survey this spring. Thank you! 

This community survey, open to all, was conducted at the same time as a statistically valid survey that was designed to reflect the demographics of our region. 


Stay in touch with us to get latest news.

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